Sunday, January 24, 2010

Installed the planet

Right, have eclipse installed, subversion set up, django plugin for eclipse in (PyDev), tutorial applications moved to google code. Fun fun fun

Friday, January 22, 2010

Waking up early

I'm 100% getting into the wake up early, jog and then start work routine. Also might have the energy to spend the day coding now!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Broken laptop

Laptop went down and lost my work. Damn, gonna get subversion up and running to keep content in check.

Django is grinding away in the background. Although not terrible complex it'll take some time, also the site design and what we actually want to do is gonna be important. We keep revisiting ideas which is a little worrying. I think it's shoulders to the wheel time.

Djano template systems seems pretty interesting, integration with Ajax might be a complete balls though so am keeping aware of that in the back of my head!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Nothing new to report, trying to learn YUI which is another dead end. At some stage will all this web development make sense? Please God yes

Monday, January 11, 2010

Snowed in

Too much snow today to do anything. Normally working at a computer isn't really affected by snow but for some reason it does to me! Got an ajax tutorial done and messed about with jQuery plugins. No expert by any stretch but I think I'm closer to understanding what an expert should know.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 3 - A day of sorting crap

Sick today, didn't get a whole pile done. Finally sent off my business plan and what a shite one it was. Actually going through the different headings and trying to write a piece about the product is a nightmare. But it's better to think about these things.

Triathlon timing is on the agenda again and starting to pick up momentum to a degree. Loads of plans but the proof is in the proverbial pudding, can it work? Only one way to find out. While I excel at dreaming up things I'm afraid my work rate has grinded to a halt lately.

Had a look at jqBarGraph but failed to get it to work. JQuery runs fine but when i introduce the custom graph it fails to display.

At least today was a day to sort things out!

Monday, January 4, 2010

First Post - Jocks and socks update

First post of many hopefully when I get off my arse at last and get cracking with this startup business.

Currently sourcing products for an ebusiness selling underwear. Brian and I spent the day skulking around isles in Brown Thomas and various other department stores checking out displays and trying to tell what people are buying and for how much. Not too successful although we did come up with a range of prices.

What was definitely much more interesting was the trip to the distributor center, not sure where this was but they had nothing relevant. Asking a worker there was the best information received. He gave us a list of fashion shows to watch out for and to attend if we are going to look at this market. The most interesting one is in Florence which is coming up pretty fast. Could be interesting. The smart arse told us we need to get new clothes if we intend to go to a fashion show. Pretty funny stuff and a good buzz off it.

Enterprise Ireland turned their nose at us, not in a rude way but more of a, come back to use when you're making tons of money. Local Enterprise Board it is although they may be more suitable, who knows???

6 hours on the road and one good lead, gotta start somewhere?!?