Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Using RSS feeds with Twitter

Slightly messed up way of doing this but here's how I got it to work. I use Tweetdeck usually for facebook/twitter so I don't have to login and go through the sites to read news. Lately though I've noticed most decent sites in Ireland don't use Twitter that much and keep blogs instead. Ideally I'd prefer to let everything flow through tweetdeck (and read stuff through small popups) so I tried setting up a twitterfeed account. This sounds like it should do the trick but it's pretty useless at explaining what it actually does.

What it actually does is post blog updates to your twitter feed which is rubbish if people actually follow you and your RSS is some useless company that only you are interested in.

Solution? Create another twitter account and post twitter updates using twitterfeed onto it, then follow your new user in Twitter. Stupid workaround but it does work! My twitterfeedRSS is @ilikerashersrss. Updates hourly and is new so don't expect anything useful from it for a week or two.

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