Sunday, February 21, 2010

Irish Franchise Expo

So Brian and I hit the Irish Frachise Expo yesterday. A good indicator of a franchise value seems to be the eagerness of the franchiser to get you involved. Franchisers like O2 and Subway, the premier league of Irish franchisers (McDonalds is a shut shop), give out a few details, hand you a sparse flier and send you on your way.

Cartridge Green had a really good pitch. They run a franchise that reinjects ink into your cartridge for 25 euro. Not a bad deal really but I dunno is my future in injecting ink. They were really selling the "you have to love it", I wonder sometimes do people really love what they do that much. Like does a toilet cleaner have posters of toilet brushes and domestos on their wall? I'm not so sure but I never imagined myself doing work like that.

We did pick up the cards of some franchise "consultants". Although consultant does have as much positive connotations as "sex offender heroin dealer" they seem genuinely helpful (and free). There are 900 franchises in UK (according to our consultant), cartridge refills have probably 20 alone so he was saying to research until you cant research no more to get moving on it. Makes sense not to get caught up too early.

Pumping the stats
Statistically 90% of franchises succeed
80% of start-up businesses fail
However 100% of McDonalds will succeed, 95% of subways and PC worlds will succeed, lesser known franchises are down aroun 50% so it is something to bear in mind.

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